What's New
12/09/2024 AspEmail and AspEmail.NET Service Releases
A number of users have reported the error
Transport Layer Security Error #25 (WinSock): No information received from the server.
when connecting to their SMTP servers via TLS 1.2. We tracked it down to a TLS extension called "Renegotiation Info" (RI) described in RFC 5746. Some SMTP servers apparently require that this extension be present in the initial handshake packet, and break the connection otherwise. As of this service release, the RI extension has been added to the TLS 1.2 handshake packet.
- AspEmail's and AspEmail.NET's oAuth support is no longer limited to Google GMAIL. It has been extended to Microsoft Office 365 as well. The "Sign in with Office 365" button provided in the user manual enables you to obtain access and refresh tokens to access smtp.office365.com via oAuth. For more information, see Section 5.6.4 of the AspEmail manual.
10/30/2024 AspJpeg and AspHEIF Service Releases
- AspJpeg and AspHEIF, working in tandem, are now capable of preserving EXIF metadata information during HEIF-to-JPEG conversion. AspHEIF's new property, Exif, returns the HEIF image's entire EXIF block as a Hex-encoded string, which can then be passed to AspJpeg's AddMetadataItem method for inclusion in the output JPEG image. For more information, see Code Example 4 of the AspHEIF User Manual.
- AspJpeg's TIFF parsing module now accepts TIFF files with the required "PHOTOMETRIC" tag omitted. Pevious versions would reject those TIFF images with an error exception.
07/27/2024 AspPDF and AspPDF.NET Service Releases
- A rare class of PDF documents has been discovered generating the error "The handle is invalid." during PDF-to-Image conversion. The bug has now been fixed.
- Another bug in the PDF-to-Image conversion module has been discovered and fixed which manifested itself on documents containing the relatively rare PostScript functions.
- A bug in the HTML-to-PDF module responsible for not correctly rendering images with rounded-corner borders has been fixed.
A very common error among our users is to obtain a font or image from one document and then use it on a page within another document, resulting in a malformed PDF. For example:
PdfFont objFont = objDoc1.Fonts["Arial"];
PdfPage objPage = objDoc2.Pages[1];
objPage.Canvas.DrawText( "Text", Params, objFont ); ' Wrong!As of this service release, the last line of the code above will throw the run-time error "Invalid Font object. It was likely obtained from a different instance of PdfDocument."
01/29/2024 AspEmail and AspEmail.NET Service Releases
The AspEmail.NET service release fixes a bug in the TLS 1.2 module responsible for the error
POP3 Error with host <host name>: Exception of type 'Persits.Email.TlsException' was thrown.
generated by EmailAgent.NET during POP3 message downloading over TLS 1.2 with some (but not all) SMTP servers, most notably outlook.office365.com.
- Also, DKIM functionality has been enhanced in both AspEmail and AspEmail.NET by optionally including the following three custom headers in the DKIM signature: List-Unsubscribe, List-Unsubscribe-Post, and Feedback-ID.
02/22/2024 AspPDF, AspPDF.NET Updates
The new service releases AspPDF and AspPDF.NET contain the following fixes and enhancements:
We have finally fixed an error generated by AspPDF.NET that eluded us for years:
Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
We successfully replicated this error in a multi-threaded environment and identified the root cause as the "Optimize code" option in Visual Studio. Disabling this option and recompiling the component resolved the issue.
The PDF-to-Image module now supports the relatively rare Gouraud Triangle shading. Previous versions would leave the area covered by this type of shading blank and add the entry "shading not implemented" in the error log.
- The image parsing module now accepts TIFF files with the required "PHOTOMETRIC" tag omitted. Pevious versions would reject those TIFF images with an error exception.
For more information, and to download the latest service releases, please visit www.asppdf.com, www.asppdf.net.
09/03/2023 AspPDF, AspPDF.NET Updates
The new service release has accumulated several important bug fixes and enhancements:For more information, and to download the latest service releases, please visit www.asppdf.com, www.asppdf.net.
- A class of Rev6-encrypted documents has been encountered, which causes the OpenDocument method to return Nothing, as if a wrong password were specified. The bug responsible for this behavior has been fixed.
- Support for relatively rare 16-bit BMP images has been added. Previous versions would crash when trying to open a 16-bit BMP.
- Support for color spaces other than DeviceRGB has been added to the Canvas.DrawText method in the HTML mode.
- A number of other minor bugs have been fixed in the form fill-in, PDF-to-image, and PDF parsing modules.
05/04/2023 AspEmail, AspEmail.NET Updates
We have made a significant improvement to our mailing components. The latest service releases AspEmail and AspEmail.NET include support for two highly secure cipher suites that utilize the Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) of the AES cipher. These cipher suites are:TLS_ RSA_ WITH_ AES_ 128_ GCM_ SHA256 (code 009C) and
TLS_ ECDHE_ RSA_ WITH_ AES_ 128_ GCM_ SHA256 (code C02F).Both cipher suites are part of the TLS 1.2 family. The previous versions of AspEmail and AspEmail.NET only supported cipher suites that relied on the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode, which is generally considered less secure than GCM. As a result, some SMTP providers have discontinued support for those suites.
For more information, and to download the latest service releases, please visit www.aspemail.com.
02/07/2023 AspJpeg, AspJpeg.NET Updates
AspJpeg and AspJpeg.NET now support relatively rare 16-bit BMP images. Previous versions of AspJpeg would crash when trying to open a 16-bit BMP (AspJpeg.NET would gracefully reject it.)
Also, the components are now capable of replacing a green background with an alpha channel using a new, more advanced algorithm.
For more information, and to download the latest service releases, please visit www.aspjpeg.com and www.aspjpeg.net.
08/07/2022 Persits Software Celebrates 25 Years in Business
In August of 1997, a registration certificate was issued by the great state of Virginia to a corporation no one had heard of -- Persits Software, Inc. Ever since then, our company has sold over 100,000 copies of our ASP and ASP.NET components to businesses of all shapes and sizes, universities, schools, hospitals, libraries, government agencies and charities all over the world. In the minds of numerous Microsoft developers from every corner of the planet, our name has become firmly associated with high-quality software and first-class support.
It has been a great pleasure and honor to serve you through these 25 years, and we are hoping to continue providing you with great software and support for many more years to come.
06/22/2022 AspEmail, AspEmail.NET Updates
As of June 2022, Google has stopped supporting "less secure applications" and blocked the use of the SMTP protocol to applications with the sensitive scope (which is a set of permissions granted to the application by Google itself). For those applications to send email via GMAIL, they must now use Google API instead of the traditional SMTP protocol.AspEmail and AspEmail.NET support the API mode, under which the body of the message is POSTed to Google in a single large HTTPS post. For more information, see Section 5.6.3 of the AspEmail user manual, and Section 3.5.3 of the AspEmail.NET user manual.
03/28/2022 AspPDF, AspPDF.NET, AspHIEF Updates
- AspPDF fixes a bug causing a crash during the PDF-to-Image conversion of some PDF documents with marked content. This bug only affects AspPDF and not AspPDF.NET.
- AspPDF.NET fixes a bug causing the error "End of file reached" when executing in the .NET Core environment on some (but not all) flavors of Linux. Windows is not affected. This bug only affects AspPDF.NET but not AspPDF.
- Our new component AspHEIF, currently in beta, now supports HEIF, AVIF, PNG and JPEG formats as input, and AVIF and PNG formats as output.
03/06/2022 AspHEIF: A New Decoder Component for HEIF/HEIC and AVIF Images
We are happy to announce the addition of a brand-new component to our product line. The new product, called AspHEIF, converts images in the High-Efficiency Image Format (HEIF) designed by Apple to PNG for viewing and further processing. Static HEIF images usually have the file extensions .heif and .heic. The product also supports a new format based on the AV1 compression introduced by the Alliance for Open Media. This image format is known as AVIF.
AspHEIF is currently in beta. For documentation, and to download a free evaluation version, please go to AspHEIF's dedicated web page on AspJpeg.com.
02/02/2022 AspPDF, AspPDF.NET Service Releases Available
We have recently received multiple reports of the exception Object cannot be found occurring during PDF-to-Image conversion on a large number of PDF documents. All of those documents seem to have been created with Adobe PDF Library. Not only did these documents produce an exception from the Page.ToImage method, but they also produced invalid PDFs during the document stitching operation. The resultant compound documents would produce various errors when viewed in Adobe Acrobat Reader.After investigating the issue, we have discovered that the problems were caused by AspPDF's ignoring of the /XRefStm entry of the document trailer dictionary which points to a so called "hybrid reference" table. After the support for hybrid-reference tables was added, the aforementioned issues were fixed.
To download this important fix, please visit www.asppdf.com and www.asppdf.net.
01/18/2022 AspPDF, AspPDF.NET 3.7 Released
The new version incorporates several important new features and fixes:
- Following our users' requests, we have raised the level of PDF/A compliance from Level 1B to Level 3 (PDF/A-3). Numerous small changes have been made to the PDF-generating engine to achieve PDF/A-3 compliance. Also, a new major feature, Logical Structure Tree support, has been added. The presence of a logical structure tree in a PDF document is one of the PDF/A-3 requirements.
- A class of PDF documents with form fields has been discovered for which the field content disappears during PDF-to-image conversion. This bug has now been fixed.
- A class of PDF forms has been discovered for which the field content is lost during the form flattening operation. This deficiency has now been fixed.
- A bug in the CreateGraphicsFromPage method has been discovered and fixed. The bug is responsible for losing a large portion of the page's content during page-to-graphics conversion with some rare PDF documents.
- A large number of documents have recently cropped up which trigger the exception Object cannot be found. during PDF-to-Image conversion. To circumvent this exception, a new parameter, IgnoreObjectNotFound, has been added to the PdfPage.ToImage method. This feature is currently in beta.
For more information please visit www.asppdf.com and www.asppdf.net.
11/22/2022 AspEmail, AspEmail.NET Service Releases Available
AspEmail's and AspEmail.NET's TLS engine, specifically its ECDHE module, has received a small but important enhancement: support for SHA256-based RSA signatures. The previous versions only supported SHA1-based signatures. Some SMTP servers require that the client application support SHA256-based signatures, and reject the secure handshake otherwise. This would result in the exceptionTransport Layer Security Error #25 (WinSock): No information received from the server.
The new service releases fix this deficiency. Also, the new version of EmailAgent.NET can now connect to a POP3 server via TLS 1.2 if the Port number is set to 99521 in the configuration panel application. Older versions of EmailAgent.NET only supported TLS 1.0 for POP3 connections.
11/05/2021 AspJpeg, AspJpeg.NET Service Releases Available
The AspJpeg and AspJpeg.NET service releases fix a bug in the text output module responsible for not properly handling "dingbat" fonts such as wingding.ttf and others. The use of such fonts in previous versions would produce black boxes instead of characters.
09/02/2021 AspPDF.NET Service Release Available
A serious bug in the Revision 5 and Revision 6 module (256-bit encryption) has been fixed. The bug is responsible for throwing the System.ArgumentNullException error when calling OpenDocument on an encrypted PDF document without specifying a password. The bug was introduced in Version It only affects AspPDF.NET and not AspPDF.
06/01/2021 AspPDF & AspPDF.NET 3.6 Released with Image Replacement, Rich Media Support
The new versions of AspPDF and AspPDF.NET offer several major features and a number of fixes and improvements:
Upgrading is free for registered users, as always. To download the upgrades, please visit www.asppdf.com and www.asppdf.net.
- Image replacement. One or more images in an existing PDF document can now be replaced with other images or graphics. This feature is useful, among other things, for reducing the overall size of a PDF document by replacing its high-resolution images with their lower-resolution versions.
- Rich media annotations. A new annotation type, Rich Media, has been added which allows 3D, Flash, video and audio files to be embedded in a PDF document.
- A bug in Page.ExtractText. A class of documents has been discovered for which text extraction would return an empty string. This bug has now been fixed.
- A bug in Structured Text Extraction. A class of documents has been discovered for which text is extracted only partially or not at all. This bug has now been fixed.
- A number of minor bugs in the parsing module have been fixed.
05/02/2021 AspEmail, AspEmail.NET 5.6 with Extended Multipart/Alternative Support Released
AspEmail and AspEmail.NET have always provided partial support for the multipart/alternative format via its AltBody property, enabling a message body to be specified in two alternative versions -- plain-text and HTML.
This release supports an unlimited number of alternative bodies via the new method AddAltBody. Messages can now be generated with advanced content, such as accelerated mobile pages (AMP), calendars, etc.
For more information about this feature, see Section 2.5 of the AspEmail user manual, and Section 1.9 of the AspEmail.NET user manual.
03/01/2021 AspPDF & AspPDF.NET Service Releases Available
The AspPDF and AspPDF.NET service releases incorporate a number of important bug fixes and improvements:
Upgrading is free for registered users, as always. To download the upgrades, please visit www.asppdf.com and www.asppdf.net.
- It has been reported that some PDF documents produced by the DocuSign service would generate the error A dictionary object expected when opened by AspPDF.NET. The bug in AspPDF.NET's parsing module responsible for this error has now been fixed.
- A rare class of PDF documents has been encountered that caused AspPDF.NET to crash during PDF-to-Image conversion. The bug causing this crash has been identified and fixed.
- A major performance issue has been reported when an HTML document containing embedded images (<img src="data:image/png; base64,....">) is converted to PDF via the ImportFromUrl method. This issue has now been fixed. This enhancement involves AspPDF.NET only (not AspPDF.)
- Other minor bugs have been fixed.
12/30/2020 AspEmail, AspEmail.NET with Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Cipher Suite Officially Released
A "cipher suite" is a basket of ciphers (including symmetric and asymmetric algorithms and hash functions) which a client and server use to communicate securely over TLS. Prior to this release, AspEmail and AspEmail.NET supported only one TLS 1.2 cipher suite, TLS_ RSA_ WITH_ AES_ 128_ CBC_ SHA. Its key exchange procedure is based on the RSA public-key cipher, which some consider outdated and insufficiently secure. Some SMTP provides have gone as far as disabling all RSA-based cipher suites on their platforms.As of now, our products also support the TLS_ ECDHE_ RSA_ WITH_ AES_ 128_ CBC_ SHA256 cipher, which uses the Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral (ECDHE) algorithm for key exchange instead of RSA. No code changes are necessary to take advantage of the new cipher suite as long as TLS 1.2 (as opposed to TLS 1.0) is used. Upgrading is free for registered users.
For more info and to download the latest versions of AspEmail and AspEmail.NET, please visit www.aspemail.com.
11/30/2020 AspPDF & AspPDF.NET Service Releases Available with 256-bit AES Encryption
A 256-bit AES-based security algorithm for PDF documents was released by Adobe back in 2008 under the name "Revision 5". This algorithm was soon deprecated because of a security vulnerability, and replaced with new specifications referred to as "Revision 6" or "PDF 2.0" encryption. Revision 6 encryption is based on 256-bit AES and super-secure hash functions SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512.
We are happy to announce that as of AspPDF and AspPDF.NET, our PDF components support 256-bit AES encryption and are capable of generating "Revision 6"-compatible encrypted documents. They are also capable of opening both "Revision 5"- and "Revision 6"-based encrypted PDFs.
For more information, please visit www.asppdf.com and www.asppdf.net.
11/11/2020 AspJpeg Released with WebP Format Support, PNG Metadata Extraction
Version of AspJpeg incorporates support for WebP, a modern image format designed by Google, both as input and output. WebP offers all the features of JPEG, PNG and GIF, such as lossy and lossless compression, transparency and animation, while producing significantly smaller files compared to these legacy formats.
WebP support was also integrated into AspUpload enabling it to populate the ImageType, ImageWidth and ImageHeight properties of the UploadedFile object when a WebP image is uploaded.
Also, AspJpeg and AspJpeg.NET now support EXIF, IPTC and XMP metadata extraction from PNG images. Previously, metadata extraction was limited to JPEG images.
For more information and to download the upgrades, please visit these components' respective web sites:
10/02/2020 AspEmail, AspEmail.NET Beta Released with Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Cipher Suite
Last year, we released Version 5.5 of AspEmail and AspEmail.NET with TLS 1.2 support. However, only RSA-based cipher suites were supported in that release. Version, currently in beta, also provides support for an ECDHE-based cipher suite, specifically TLS_ ECDHE_ RSA_ WITH_ AES_ 128_ CBC_ SHA256 (Code 0xC027). ECDHE stands for Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral, a key exchange algorithm that is widely considered far superior to RSA in both security and performance. In fact, some SMTP providers have already disabled RSA-based cipher suites altogether. An attempt to send email via such an SMTP server with older versions of AspEmail or AspEmail.NET would result in the error exception "Fatal alert received from the server: handshake_failure."The TLS_ ECDHE_ RSA_ WITH_ AES_ 128_ CBC_ SHA256 cipher suite, as its name suggests, still uses RSA, but only for server authentication. Key exchange, the most important part of the TLS protocol, is performed via ECDHE.
Please help us beta-test this very important release. The (beta) versions of AspEmail (32-bit and 64-bit) and AspEmail.NET can be downloaded via the following links. Absolutely no code change is necessary:
09/13/2020 AspPDF & AspPDF.NET Service Releases Available with a Critical Fix
The service releases AspPDF and AspPDF.NET contain the following important fixes, one of them critical:For more information, please visit www.asppdf.com and www.asppdf.net.
- We have discovered and fixed a serious buffer-overflow bug which may cause IIS to reset or even crash entirely when your script is doing something as mundane as drawing text with the DrawText method. This bug was apparently introduced back in 2015. The bug mostly manifests itself with the 64-bit version of AspPDF, although the 32-bit version is also affected by it. AspPDF.NET is not affected. All users of the 64-bit version should upgrade without delay (upgrading is free as always).
- A bug in the PDF-to-Image module has been discovered, which causes a color to be rendered incorrectly if the underlying colorspace has 5 or more color components. This bug has now been fixed.
- We have recently received numerous reports of the error PDF startxref not found from our users. We discovered that this error is generated by PDFs created by Microsoft Reporting Services PDF Rendering Extension due to a serious irregularity: these PDFs have hundreds and even thousands of trailing zero bytes at the end of the document. Since these malformed documents have become increasingly common, AspPDF now looks for the trailing zero bytes and safely skips them without throwing an exception.
- Other minor bugs have been fixed.
08/29/2020 AspUpload Service Release Available
The service release fixes a bug in the DecryptAndSendBinary method which is responsible for incorrectly handling encrypted files which size is divisible by 10,000 (which is the length of an internal memory buffer used by the method.)The service release also makes it possible to use the methods SendBinary and DecryptAndSendBinary on files larger than 2GB (but not exceeding 4GB).
To download AspUpload, please visit www.aspupload.com.
08/03/2020 AspPDF & AspPDF.NET Service Releases Available
The service releases AspPDF and AspPDF.NET contain the following fixes:For more information, please visit www.asppdf.com and www.asppdf.net.
- Some unusual (but valid) documents containing "optional content" caused AspPDF to crash. This serious bug has now been fixed.
- Some badly formed (but fairly commonplace) PDF documents would generate the error Object number not found in object header during parsing. The new version makes AspPDF resistant to this defect.
- Another bug in the parsing module causing the error End of file reached in a rare but valid class of documents has been fixed.
- A bug in the document-stitching module causing the AppendDocument method to occasionally crash with some rare documents has been fixed.
06/22/2020 Important Improvement in AspEncrypt's OpenStoreFromPFX Method
The certificate-based digital signing functionality offered by AspEncrypt is used by AspEmail's signed email and DKIM features, and also by AspPDF's PDF document signing module. The easiest way to load a certificate for signing is via the method OpenStoreFromPFX.Until now, using this method required user impersonation via the LogonUser method, but as of AspEncrypt, this is no longer required. To load a cert from a .pfx file, you no longer need to expose an admin password in your script, or worry about calling LogonUser at all.
Upgrading is free. Please download AspEncrypt here.
03/06/2020 oAuth Support Added to AspEmail & AspEmail.NET
OAuth is an open-standard authorization protocol that describes how unrelated servers and services can safely allow authenticated access to their assets without actually sharing the account password. As of versions (AspEmail) and (AspEmail.NET), our mail-sending components are capable of connecting to SMTP servers requiring oAuth, most notably smtp.gmail.com.
Also, AspEmail.NET is further optimized for the .NET Core environment on both Windows and Linux.
For more information, please visit www.aspemail.com.
03/05/2020 AspPDF & AspPDF.NET Service Releases Available
The service releases AspPDF and AspPDF.NET contain the following important improvements:For more information, please visit www.asppdf.com and www.asppdf.net.
- A major change has been made to the parsing code in the PDF-to-image module, which significantly improves performance and reduces RAM footprint. This enhancement was made in response to the discovery of an unusual (but perfectly valid) PDF document, which caused AspPDF and AspPDF.NET to run out of RAM and crash during PDF-to-image conversion.
- A bug in the handling of "optional content" (introduced in a recent release), which may cause the component to crash during PDF-to-image conversion, has been fixed in AspPDF.
- Also, to facilitate the use of AspPDF.NET under .NET Core, the component's dependency on the System. Configuration. ConfigurationManager assembly has been eliminated. When the registration key is specified directly in the code via the objPDF.RegKey property (as is the required practice under .NET Core), there is no longer a need to reference System. Configuration. ConfigurationManager in the project file.
01/23/2020 AspPDF.NET Optimized for .NET Core on Windows and Linux
We are happy to announce that our native-.NET PDF management component is no longer confined to Windows servers. AspPDF.NET has been successfully tested with .NET Core 2.0+ on both Windows and Linux! The latest service release fixes several problems that arose when the component was being tested in a Linux environment. We have updated the AspPDF.NET user manual with .NET Core-specific information.
For more information, please visit www.asppdf.net.
11/21/2019 AspPDF & AspPDF.NET 3.5 Released with Pattern and Shading Support
In response to your numerous requests, we have added comprehensive pattern and shading support to AspPDF and AspPDF.NET.
In addition to the above, AspPDF & AspPDF.NET 3.5 offer the following important fixes and enhancements:
For more information, please visit www.asppdf.com and www.asppdf.net.
- Support for Optional Content. Some PDF documents contain elements that are marked as "optional" by the document designer. They are not supposed to be visible to the end user. The PDF-to-Image module now recognizes these elements. Previous versions would not hide them during the PDF-to-Image conversion.
- The ImportFromUrl HTML-to-PDF conversion method has been enhanced to automatically recognize the Japanese "Katakana" characters when the CJK=true parameter is enabled.
- The PdfAnnot.SetFieldValue method has been enhanced to automatically recognize Hebrew and Arabic characters and reverse their order.
- Other minor bugs have been fixed.
10/05/2019 AspEmail 5.5 & AspEmail.NET Officially Released
After many months in beta, Version 5.5 of our popular mailing components is finally out.As always, upgrades are absolutely free for the registered users. For more information, and to download the new versions of AspEmail and AspEmail.NET, please visit www.aspemail.com.
- The main new feature is support for TLS 1.2. Whenever the TLS or SSL modes are enabled, the components now use TLS 1.2 by default. TLS 1.0 can still be switched to via the TLSVersion property.
- Another important feature is support for 4-byte Unicode characters such as Emojis in the EncodeHeader method.
- Version 5.5 also fixes the dreaded "The password is too long" error. Usernames and passwords up to 256 characters long are now allowed.
05/23/2019 AspPDF & AspPDF.NET Released
This service release is packed with fixes and enhancements, both big and small:For more information, please visit www.asppdf.com and www.asppdf.net.
- The PDF-to-Image module now supports the Type 7 shading (tensor-product patch meshes).
- Also in the PDF-to-Image module, pattern stroking has been added (pattern filling was already supported).
- A rare class of documents has been discovered that causes the error Reading from file failed. The error message is: The handle is invalid. during PDF-to-Image conversion. This bug has been fixed.
- A bug in the HTML-to-PDF module responsible for incorrectly rendering table borders under certain cirumstances has been fixed.
- Support for the simplified tag <meta charset="..."> has been added to the HTML-to-PDF module. Older versions only supported the old-style <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=..."> tag.
- A class of PDF forms has been discovered with which the SetFieldValue method worked incorrectly: the field content did not show up and PDF viewers such as Adobe Reader displayed errors. This bug has now been fixed.
- Other minor bugs in various modules have been fixed.
04/10/2019 AspJpeg and AspJpeg.NET Service Releases Available
The service releases for our image management components fix a serious bug in the PrintTextEx (AspJpeg) and PrintText (AspJpeg.NET) methods responsible for incorrectly showing underlined text when Font.Underlined property is set to True and Font.Align property is set to 1 (right) or 2 (center). The releases also fix a number of minor bugs in various modules.For more information, and to download the latest versions, please visit www.aspjpeg.com and www.aspjpeg.net.
02/26/2019 AspEmail and AspEmail.NET Beta 2 Released
Beta 1 of our email components switched from the TLS 1.0 to TLS 1.2 protocol. Beta 2 allows both protocols to be used via the new property TLSVersion, which is "1.2" by default but can be set to "1.0". Also, the EmailAgent.NET configuration panel is now equipped with a drop-down box with the options "No TLS", "TLS 1.0" and "TLS 1.2" instead of a simple TLS on/off checkbox.For more information, please visit www.aspemail.com.
03/23/2018 AspPDF & AspPDF.NET Released
This service release incorporates the following major bug fixes and enhancements:For more information, please visit www.asppdf.com and www.asppdf.net.
- The content extraction functionality of the PdfPage.ExtractText method has been significantly overhauled. A bug has been discovered that caused ligatures, or codes denoting multiple letters such as "ff", "ffl", "ffi", "1/2", and others, to be extracted incorrectly. Only the first character of a ligature would be extracted, while the rest of the characters would not. This serious bug has now been fixed. If you are using AspPDF.NET's content extraction functionality in your apps, you should upgrade to the latest version without delay.
- AspPDF Only: A class of documents has been discovered that would cause the ExtractText method to crash due to a bug. This bug has now been fixed.
- AspPDF.NET Only: A rare class of documents has been discovered that would cause the PdfPage.ToImage method to crash. This bug has now been fixed.
- AspPDF.NET Only: The PDF-to-Image functionality implemented by the PdfPreview object relies on the .NET System.Drawing.Imaging namespace not available in .NET Core. To enable the PdfPreview object to be used in the .NET Core environment, the methods SaveCore, SaveHttpCore and SaveToMemoryCore have been added to it. These methods provide the same functionality as Save, SaveHttp and SaveToMemory, respectively, and are not reliant on the System.Drawing.Imaging objects. However, the only output image format supported by these new methods is PNG.
03/23/2018 AspEmail & AspEmail.NET 5.5 (Beta) with TLS 1.2 Support Released
AspEmail and AspEmail.NET 5.5 (currently in beta) contain the following important enhancements:
To download the beta versions, please visit http://www.aspemail.com/ whatsnew.html.- Version 1.0 of the Transport Layer Security protocol relies heavily on the MD5 hash algorithm, which has been cracked and is currently considered insecure. It contains other vulnerabilities as well. In anticipation of TLS 1.0's eventual decommission by all major SMTP providers, we are releasing Version 5.5 of AspEmail and AspEmail.NET, which replaces TLS 1.0 with TLS 1.2 - a more secure protocol which is based on SHA256 and 128-bit and 256-bit AES.
- Also, the EncoderHeader method has been fixed to enable 4-byte Unicode characters such as emojis in message subjects.
02/20/2018 AspPDF & AspPDF.NET Service Releases Available
The service releases AspPDF and AspPDF.NET include the following fixes:A NuGet package containing the AspPDF.NET assembly is now available so that AspPDF.NET can be easily referenced in your .NET Core 2.0 projects.
- Some malformed PDF documents generate the error "endstream not found" when being stitched or converted to an image. The new version makes an attempt to recover from this error and only throws an exception as a last resort.
- Some corrupt PDF documents generate the error "PDF file signature not found" when opened. The new version makes an attempt to recover from this error and only throws an exception as a last resort.
- Certain PDF documents may throw the exception complaining about an unknown segment type in a JBIG2 stream during PDF-to-Image conversion. The new version no longer throws this exception and proceeds with the conversion normally.
- A bug in the PDF-to-Image module responsible for incorrectly rendering dashed lines under certain conditions has been fixed.
- When a document is digitally signed, annotated, and then signed again, the warning "Annotation modified" appears in Adobe Reader. The new version fixes this deficiency.
- A bug responsible for incorrectly rendering certain rare TIFF images has been fixed.
For more information, please visit www.asppdf.com and www.asppdf.net.
01/05/2018 AspEncrypt 2.10 Released
When encrypting a file with a size divisible by 160,000, AspEncrypt would throw the error "More data is available." when using an AES key. This bug has now been fixed. Other ciphers are not affected by the bug. 160,000 is the length of an internal buffer used by AspEncrypt. Also the new version adds two new properties to the CryptoCert object: IssuerAltName and SubjectAltName. To download the new version, please visit www.aspencrypt.com.
12/14/2017 AspJpeg.NET Officially Released
AspJpeg.NET, the native .NET version of AspJpeg, is now officially released. It has been successfully tested with .NET Core 2.0. The NuGet package for .NET Core projects is available for downloading along with the standard installer application. To download the evaluation version of AspJpeg.NET, please visit its dedicated web site at www.aspjpeg.net.
09/25/2017 AspPDF & AspPDF.NET Service Releases Available
The service releases AspPDF and AspPDF.NET incorporate the following fixes:
- A class of mal-formed PDF documents has emerged that cause the error End of file reached during document stitching. This problem has now been fixed for this class of documents.
- A bug causing a crash in the SetFieldValue method with some rare PDF forms has been fixed.
- A bug causing some page content to disappear during PDF-to-Image conversion in some PDFs has been fixed.
- A bug causing text characters to appear as boxes during PDF-to-Image conversion in some PDFs has been fixed.
- A bug causing checkboxes and possibly other form items to disappear during PDF-to-Image conversion in some rare PDF forms has been fixed.
For more information, please visit www.asppdf.com and www.asppdf.net.